You can't out logic a nervous system that is feeling threatened...
You have to feel your way into safety.
Enter your intuition.
Your intuition is your greatest gift and power. It has the ability to provide you with that sense of inner knowing that guides you down the path that is meant for you.
Your intuition requires you to feel.
... and often feeling your feelings and experiences in your body fully are skills society doesn't teach and instead, teaches you to avoid.
It can start as early as when you were a young child. Maybe you were expressing your feelings and were scolded or ignored when you were sad, angry, or any other emotion other than happy. A little light switch went on in your mind that told you feeling certain feelings is "bad".
This trickles down from generation to generation and here you are today in a society that doesn't know how to feel or what their fe
elings even mean.
Your body is constantly trying to talk to you through the feelings and sensations you experience. Ignoring and bypassing these signals is feeding into a stressed state in the body as the body continues to miss out on what it needs.
Examples: cravings tell you what nutrients your body physically is needing and providing your body with what it needs first can allow deep nourishment, emotional feelings are a way to express and getting those out in a healthy way can help you avoid an explosion or tension in your body later, and those gut feelings will literally tell you when you're in danger and listening can literally save your life.
There's so many beautiful examples of intuitive nudges that people have that can allow them to amplify their life in simple ways. Even the dramatic stories of people who had that intuitive feeling to change their flight or their route to work and realize if they went with the original plan it could've been catastrophic.
Think of a time when your intuition was spot on for these categories: health, business, and relationships.
Imagine what your life would look like if you didn't trust yourself.
Do you trust yourself fully or could you use more of this trust?
TRUST is the center of safety. If you're not able to trust it's because you don't feel fully safe.
And this combination of lack of safety within and the inability to fully trust yourself will consistently get in your way of unleashing your most powerful potential.
How you can honor your intuition and begin trusting what your body is telling you:
Register for an Aligned to Thrive Consultation to learn more about what your body is trying to tell you and how to speak it's language
Notice those little gut feelings and/or energy shifts... you don't have to decipher what they mean right now, sometimes just noticing can go a long way
Keep track of your symptoms and when they get worse (example: if all your symptoms disappear when you're on vacation that can give us a big insight into your current lifestyle needing some support)
Ask your body! When you journal literally ask your body "Body, what do you need..." trust whatever comes to mind and start honoring it!
When working with me 1:1 you can expect a beautiful blend of various modalities to meet you are and help you unlock the potential that's been waiting to be released! Start with the Aligned to Thrive Consultation :)
